Women's Aid South Lanarkshire & East Renfrewshire Arts

Image: Inside / Outside Self Portrait Bag by WASLER ARTS past participant.
The art workshops are one of the peer support groups we offer at WASLER, we run short- and long-term projects as well as drop-in art sessions.
We believe that art has the potential to be transformative, to improve the quality of people’s lives and well-being and can aid recovery. The art workshops are a safe space to re-connect with self and others through meaningful activity and to engage in a variety of art making processes such as drawing, painting, collage, printmaking, textiles, ceramics and sound. We work with experienced Freelance Creative Practitioners and artists who are on hand to offer their guidance and encouragement.
Past projects have evolved through discussion and collaboration between WASLER’s teams, Harriet Tritton our Freelance Arts Co-ordinator and Facilitator and the women accessing support through WASLER. We have also run art workshops with the children and young people receiving support.
The values of our organisation are reflected in the art workshops which aim to empower participants through an introduction to and engagement with Women’s and Feminist Art and Socially Engaged Art.
Testimonial from past participants:
“The art group is a safe and supportive space that gives us a creative outlet to explore and express our feelings. Where we can challenge and reflect on our own ideas and biases through discussion with each other and through engaging with feminist and women’s art that addresses issues affecting women and girls. It helps us to rebuild the confidence that Domestic Abuse stripped us of by developing and nurturing our talents and by using our experiences to speak out against injustice and abuse.”
"Participation in the group has been brilliant. For the first time in 10 months I've had a break from me. Something different to occupy my mind and thoughts. Feeling normal again. Very satisfying and hugely beneficial to my sense of well being."
Past groups have participated in large scale public art events such as Processions Edinburgh 2018 and in public events supporting global campaigns such as International Women’s Day and The 16 Days of Activism, as well as showing work in private exhibitions for family, friends and WASLER’s staff.
Past projects and workshops have been made possible through the generous support of funders: Awards For All Scotland, ROSA, The William Syson Foundation
Please see Gallery for past works.